What Are the Best Times to Post on TikTok?

Is your TikTok viewership dropping? You might not be posting at the right times. Click here to find out the best time to post on TikTok with Powder.

What Are the Best Times to Post on TikTok?

If you’ve spent much time as a content creator, you’ve probably noticed that your TikTok videos perform better at certain times of day. With the right strategy and the right posting schedule, you can make sure your video’s performance is optimized from the start without anything holding it back.

We’ve come up with a quick guide for you on how to find out the best time to post on TikTok. After you read this article, your TikTok posts will be dropping at the best possible time, every time.

Why Worry About Posting Times?

What’s the big deal about TikTok posting times, anyway? Is it really going to make that big a difference? Is it worth all the hassle? The answer is, “Yes!” If you post content at the wrong time, your video could flop — but the inverse is also true.

The TikTok algorithm is all about engagement. When you make a TikTok, the app puts your video through a sort of “test.” It sends your video to the For You Page (FYP) of a small group of TikTok users. If it gets good engagement and average watch time within that group, it will then send it to a slightly larger group, and the process repeats.

Basically, the early moments right after you post your TikTok content are incredibly important. You could make the highest quality content in the world, but if it doesn’t fall on the right viewers right at the start, your video could be stopped dead in its tracks.

On the flip side, if you happen to post at the perfect time when your target audience is in the app and ready for maximum engagement, you could launch your TikTok account to new heights. If you want to become a professional content creator and make money on TikTok, you need to think about what time you post.

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What Goes Into Choosing the Best Posting Time?

As with anything that is marketed to a ton of people, knowing when to post is not so cut and dry. There are a ton of different factors at play that could change your optimal time to post. So, let’s look at what you need to consider to find the perfect post time for the highest engagement rates.

Target Audience

One of the more obvious variables is your target audience. The type of person you’re trying to get to watch your videos will dramatically change how you post. After all, a 14-year-old girl is going to watch videos at a way different time than a 25-year-old man with a full-time job.

So, when deciding when to post, think about the ideal person you want to watch your videos. Think about your TikTok analytics and what demographics you perform best in. Post at a time that will benefit them, and you’re off to a great start.

Day of the Week

Follower activity is also going to vary wildly depending on which day of the week it is. Of course, there’s a difference between a Sunday and a Thursday, but there’s even a major difference between the different weekdays. Every day is super unique.

In all likelihood, you’re going to have to change your post schedule around your audience’s activity day by day. It may seem like a hassle, but it’s an incredibly important marketing strategy that can get you high engagement.


Another big factor is your audience’s location. More likely than not, you’re going to have a global audience. Having fans in different states, territories, and even countries is just part of social media management in the modern world.

So check your TikTok metrics and see where the bulk of your followers and viewers are. Take note of what time zones they’re in so you can plan accordingly, especially if they’re in a different time zone than you.

Type of Content

Your optimal posting time can also vary depending on what type of content you’re posting. A good TikTok marketing strategy will consider the fact that people who consume gaming content will use TikTok differently than people who consume political content.

Including relevant hashtags isn’t the only thing that you should tailor toward your specific content and your target audience. Even your posting schedule should be shaped by it.

TikTok Pro Account

If you’re serious about tailoring your content to your target audience, a Pro Account can help you immensely. This social media management tool will give you access to incredible analytics tools that will help you get to know your audience. Data is vital in social media marketing, and you can use it to your advantage.

You can use your Pro Account to find out when the best days to post are, what time of day your video views come in, who your TikTok audience is, what your top territories are, and so much more. All this data can be used not just to fine-tune your posting schedule but everything about how and what you post.

So, When Should You Post?

Now that you know all of the things you need to consider, we’re going to give you some general guidelines on when to post each day of the week. Keep in mind that this is just a starting point for you to schedule posts, and you should adjust based on your page’s specific data and audience.

Some general rules are that the best days to post are Tuesday through Thursday. Also, posts made on the weekends don’t tend to do that well. And it’s also generally smart to post before or after working hours.

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Best Time To Post on Monday

On Monday, the best times to post are 6:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 10:00 PM.

You’ll hit those people who are just rolling out of bed and scrolling. Then you’ll hit people who hop on TikTok on their lunch break to get them out of that Monday slump. And finally, you’ll post for the people who are on TikTok right before they fall asleep.

Best Time To Post on Tuesday

Tuesday is one of the best days to post on TikTok because there tends to be lots of engagement with content. The best times to post on Tuesday are 2:00 AM, 4:00 AM, and 9:00 AM. The 9:00 AM time slot is especially fruitful.

You’ll be hitting those late-night TikTok scrollers who are having a hard time getting to bed, and you’ll also be getting those people who watch TikTok in the morning before work.

Best Time To Post on Wednesday

On Wednesdays, the best times to post are 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, and 11:00 PM. Once again, this reinforces the idea that people love to watch TikToks early in the morning and late at night. It seems that people give the most engagement when they’re also lying in bed!

Best Time To Post on Thursday

Thursdays are one of the best days to post on TikTok. Engagement is high as people are using the app to get through the last couple of days of the week before the weekend.

On Thursdays, it’s best to post at 9:00 AM, 12:00 AM, and 7:00 PM. There’s a lot of lunch break scrolling on Thursdays, and you’ll also find a lot of people using TikTok in the evenings around dinner time, just after they’re getting home from the day.

Best Time To Post on Friday

Fridays are a bit different than the rest of the weekdays. As the week progresses, people start to use TikTok more during their lunch breaks. And since lots of people go out on Friday night, viewership drops a ton.

On Fridays, the best times to post are 5:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM.

Best Time To Post on Saturday

Saturday is another peculiar day. The best times to post are 11:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and 8:00 PM.

That early morning viewership takes a major hit on Saturday mornings since everybody is sleeping in. And it also seems that people like to scroll a bit before they hit the town for their fun Saturday nights.

Best Time To Post on Sunday

On Sundays, the early morning viewership starts to return. People tend to get up a little earlier for Sunday brunch or their weekly religious gatherings, so they’re more active on the platform in the morning. There’s also a good amount of people on the app right before dinner.

The best times to post on Sunday are 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, and 4:00 PM.

Plan Your Schedule and Get Your Views

TikTok viewership is a very fickle thing. It significantly ebbs and flows throughout the day and week. So, if you want to get every last view that you can, follow these tips and post on time.

Just remember that every creator is different — this schedule is just a starting point, and you should adjust it as needed. It’s also important to remember that these guidelines are different for each social media platform.

For more tools and information to help you on your content creator journey, the Powder app is here to help. With our AI-powered stream-to-clip software, you’ll always have content ready to post so you can keep up with your posting schedule with ease. Turn one stream into several shareable clips in a few clicks.

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