5 Hero Shooter Games Like Overwatch 2
Want to find games similar to Overwatch that offer something a little different? Powder has six suggestions we’re sure you’ll love.

When Blizzard released the original Overwatch in 2016, the multiplayer team-based 5v5 game was a hit. However, after just five years, Blizzard actually shut down the original game and released its sequel and replacement — Overwatch 2.
With Overwatch 2, Blizzard was able to hone their craft, and the game continues to be one of the most popular hero shooters on the market.
But, no matter how much you love a game, you don’t want to get burnt out. Exploring other games in the same vein and with the same vibe as the game you love can help you keep your gaming fresh, especially if you’re a streamer.
Let’s check out six games like Overwatch that we think you’ll love, and you can judge for yourself.
What Is a Hero Shooter?
Although not every game on our list qualifies as a hero shooter, we tried to feature as many games as possible like Overwatch that do qualify — and the rest, we think Overwatch players will love anyway. But when we say hero shooter, what exactly do we mean?
Hero shooter games are multiplayer games — you form a team with usually five other people and choose a character (hero) with a specific set of skills. Most squads work best with a mix of classes/character roles — someone skilled in fighting, experienced in defense or ranged attacks, and often most importantly, a solid healer.
A diverse team keeps you more ready to attack or defend, depending on which position you’re taking or have been assigned.
Hero shooters are also divided into two main categories — first-person or third-person perspectives. One perspective isn’t better; it’s more about your preference than any specific gameplay advantage.
Overwatch 2 is a first-person hero shooter, which means that all of the action occurs as though you’re actually doing it. Third-person hero shooters like Resident Evil take a slightly more pulled-back approach, so you can see your entire character in front of you as you play.
1. Apex Legends
There really isn’t any conversation about games like Overwatch without talking about Apex Legends. Overwatch and Apex Legends have much in common, from the art style to the gameplay to their general vibe.
Although gamers tend to prefer one over the other for various reasons, there’s no denying that the two games have more similarities than differences.
You should at least give Apex Legends a try for a few reasons.
In addition to being a first-person hero-shooter, Apex Legends is also a battle royale style game — essentially meaning that people are all dropped onto a map simultaneously, and the last man (or team) standing wins.
If you’re looking for a game with diversity, you can’t do much better than Apex. There are many heroes from nearly every race, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
If you want representation in your characters, Apex Legends has a lot to offer.
2. Valorant
Again, if you’re looking for an almost dupe of Overwatch, you can’t go wrong with Valorant. Although the setting is different, the gameplay style is very much the same — in the best way possible.
Instead of “heroes,” Valorant has you choose an Agent — characters from the Valorant world with some “super” abilities. Like Overwatch, Valorant features a classic 5v5 (five-versus-five) battle style, so expect to be teamed up with other people you’re expected to (at least try to) work together with.
Each Agent has its own abilities and powers, so sticking with one and learning to play that agent as well as possible can be a huge benefit.
When you’ve chosen your Agent and have your team assembled, it’s time to start clutching dubs. Each game is divided into multiple rounds, where each five-stack is automatically assigned to be either the “Attacker” or the “Defender.” After 12 rounds, the teams switch sides — the first team to win 12 rounds wins the match!
There are multiple maps to explore, weapons to play with, and ways to experience the wide world of Valorant.
It’s close enough in style to Overwatch 2 while still giving you a slightly different gaming experience — which is why we think it’ll be your favorite of the games like Overwatch on our list.
3. Paladins
Like most games on our list, Paladins qualifies as a MOBA — and leans even more into the genre than Overwatch does. Paladins is also unique in the way you can develop your heroes (called “champions” in-game).
There are four classes of champions to choose from — damage, flank, frontline, and support characters — and each has its own weapon, abilities, and “Ultimate” charge. With load-outs that you can set at the beginning of the match, you can choose which powers to focus on and help evolve your gameplay and how you want to grow.
Once you’ve picked and built your character, you can play using a few game modes — siege (the most popular), ranked, onslaught, and team deathmatch.
The number of gameplay options and the ability to be very specific about how you grow your character is part of the fun.
4. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
The Call of Duty (or COD) franchise has been around since 2003 and continues to pump out unique and exciting games into the gamer world. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 hit the market in 2018 as the fourth installment of the Black Ops world released in 2010.
But not only can you immerse yourself in a fascinating and often hyper-realistic world, but Black Ops 4 also has three different “zombie” options — and who doesn’t love zombies?
However, their multiplayer option continues to be the biggest draw and why so many people continue returning to this franchise. It’s a gritty, grounded combat experience that immerses you in the game (especially thanks to its first-person perspective) and gets your blood pumping with epic moments, insane kills, and fat dubs (and sometimes Ls) for you and your squad.
Trust us, although Overwatch 2 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 seem like they’re not from the same world, the excitement you’ll get when you pick off your enemies one by one is very much the same. We think you’ll love it as much as we do.
5. Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 came out in 2007 — the sequel to a 1996 mod designed for the Quake franchise of games. The game features nine classes with diverse tactical abilities and personalities, so you can find the character you vibe with the most. This will appeal to Overwatch players, who enjoy the ability to use unique characters with niche abilities.
If you’re new to the game or this gaming style, Team Fortress 2 has an offline mode you can use as a tutorial. That way, when you’re ready to play with other people, you’ll feel more comfortable with the controls and gameplay.
The game is constantly updated to offer more content — modes, maps, weapons, and equipment — so you’ll never get bored. It also has a thriving community of gamers that love it, so you have the potential to make friends with gamers worldwide.
Make The Most Of Your Gaming
Whether you’re into hero shooters, battle royales, builders, or any other type of gameplay, gaming is a hobby that is meant to be fun and relaxing (even when you’re trying to finally beat that boss that’s been kicking your butt for days).
If you like to take your gaming online or are considering starting a channel for streaming, you want to share your love of the gaming community while making it look as effortless as possible (fake it til you make it, right?).
Enter AI-powered clipping software, like Powder PC. If you’re used to having to set up and use hotkeys to capture your big kills, epic wins, and exciting fight sequences, we’re about to blow your mind.
When you start your gaming sesh through our PC app, you can just sit back and enjoy the game. Our AI monitors your play as you play and automatically “clips” all of your greatest hits. And if you play a different game, let our audio detection do the work–we automatically create highlights in thousands of games on Steam; just remember to leave your mic on or play with friends in the Discord VC.
We help you get your clips and then with the click of a button (Create Montage), our AI stitches together your best moments into a shareable horizontal or vertical montage.
And for streamers playing Overwatch or any of the above games, Powder for Creators will automatically extract highlights and generate montages from your streaming sessions–saving you tons of time and effort.
Those clips, and other automatically created montages, are saved to your library so that you can save them, share them (to Twitch, Discord, and YouTube), or just rewatch and learn from them.
The Bottom Line
Although Overwatch 2 is one of a kind, there are plenty of games like Overwatch that maintain the same style and vibe while still offering you a unique gaming experience.
Whether you’re into hero shooters, all-out battle royale style beatdowns, or just character-driven games that allow you to evolve and grow your character as you see fit, don’t sleep on any of the games on our list.
You never know where you’ll find your next great gaming obsession — don’t forget to stream and share it when you do!
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