A Streamer’s Guide: The Top 5 Stream Controllers

A Streamer’s Guide: The Top 5 Stream Controllers

In online streaming, having the right tools can make a difference in how your broadcast comes across.

Stream controllers are like the unsung (and often unseen by the audience) heroes of the streaming world, offering streamers unparalleled control over their content with just the touch of a button.

Imagine you're in the middle of a gaming session, and with a tap of a button on your stream controller, you seamlessly switch to a different scene, launch your favorite apps, throw in some awesome sound effects, or even share a post on social media to let your followers know what's up. It's like having your assistant right at your fingertips

But with so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the perfect one for your setup.

Worry not! We've scoured the reviews and compiled a list of the top 5 stream controllers, each offering unique features.

Let’s take a look.

5. A.JAZZ AKP153 Stream Studio Controller

A.JAZZ AKP153 Stream Studio Controller Keypad

The A.JAZZ AKP153 Stream Studio Controller combines retro design aesthetics with modern functionality, featuring mechanical key switches and an integrated audio mixer. Its multi-platform compatibility makes it suitable for a wide range of streaming setups. However, its limited customization options and build quality concerns may leave some users wanting more. Purchase here.

Rating: 3.6 (Ratings: 20+)

Price: $99.99


  • Retro Design Aesthetic
  • Mechanical Key Switches
  • Integrated Audio Mixer
  • Multi-Platform Compatibility


  • Limited Customization Options
  • Limited Key Functionality
  • Build Quality Concerns
  • Learning Curve

4. Elgato Stream Deck XL

The Elgato Stream Deck

The Elgato Stream Deck XL offers an expanded control layout and enhanced productivity features, making it the perfect choice for streamers with demanding setups. Many people will appreciate the top-notch build quality and how seamlessly it works with Streamlabs. However, its larger footprint and higher price point were not suitable for many reviewers. Purchase here.

Rating: 4.0 (Ratings: 14000+)

Price: $245.67


  • Expanded Control Layout
  • Enhanced Productivity Features
  • Premium Build Quality
  • Seamless Integration with Streamlabs


  • Larger Footprint
  • Higher Price Point
  • Learning Curve
  • Limited Portability

One creator who uses Powder AI to automatically generate clips from his latest stream sessions wrote this guide to adding Powder to your stream deck.

3. Loupedeck Live S

The Loupedeck Live console for streamers and content creators

The Loupedeck Live S offers an intuitive approach to stream control with its physical controls and customizable LED feedback. Its multi-software compatibility and compact design make it a versatile option for streamers on the go. However, its limited physical controls and software compatibility issues posed challenges for some reviewers.  Purchase here.

Rating: 4.4 (Ratings: 200+)

Price: $159.00


  • Intuitive Physical Controls
  • Customizable LED Feedback
  • Multi-Software Compatibility
  • Compact and Portable Design


  • Limited Physical Controls
  • Price-to-Feature Ratio
  • Learning Curve
  • Software Compatibility Issues

2. Razer Stream Controller X

Razer Stream Controller

The Razer Stream Controller X offers a premium streaming experience with its robust build quality and dynamic touchscreen interface. Its advanced customization options and seamless integration with the Razer ecosystem make it a favorite among serious streamers. However, its higher price point and potential software issues were not liked by some reviewers. Purchase here.

Rating: 4.5 (Ratings: 100+)

Price: $149.99


  • Robust Build Quality
  • Dynamic Touchscreen Interface
  • Advanced Customization Options
  • Seamless Integration with Razer Ecosystem


  • Higher Price Point
  • Learning Curve
  • Limited Availability
  • Potential Software Issues

1. Elgato Stream Deck Mini

The Elgato Stream Deck Mini

The Elgato Stream Deck Mini may be small in size, but it packs a powerful punch. With its compact design and customizable keys, it seamlessly integrates into your streaming setup, streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity. However, its limited key count and small screen size may be a drawback for some users. Purchase here.

Rating: 4.7 (Ratings: 5000+)

Price: $59.99


  • Compact Design
  • Customizable Keys
  • Seamless Integration
  • Streamline Workflow


  • Limited Key Count
  • Small Screen Size
  • Price per Key
  • Learning Curve

Choosing the best stream controller for your needs ultimately depends on your specific requirements and budget. Whether you prioritize build quality, affordability, or additional features, there's a stream controller on this list to suit your preferences.

Ultimately having a solid stream controller can step up your broadcasting game, and that's going to make a big difference in how engaged your audience is.

After all, when things run smoothly on your end, it's easier for your viewers to stay hooked and interact with what you're sharing.

Don't forget to check out our other articles designed to help gamers and streamers thrive.

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