How to Be a Successful YouTuber: 7 Awesome Tips
Do you want to grow your YouTube channel and make a living creating content? Learn seven tips you can use to find success with Powder.

Content creation, specifically on YouTube, is one of the most desirable jobs out there right now. Flexible hours and working from home are obvious perks, but the biggest benefit is that you’ll be able to create fun content that you’re passionate about and make a living doing so.
However, becoming a successful YouTuber doesn’t happen overnight, and it likely won’t happen by chance. Like any good thing in life, you’ve got to work hard for it.
We want to watch you achieve your goals and have the success you’ve been dreaming of, whether you want to be a video game streamer, run a comedy channel, or make vlogs. To help, we’ve put together a quick guide with some fantastic tips on how to become a successful YouTuber and make money with your quality content.
How Do You Define Success?
Before we talk about how to become successful, let’s define your goals. Becoming successful on YouTube can mean different things to different people. Here are some of the markers of success you might want to measure your progress against.
We all want to feel fulfilled in our careers. Doing a job that’s actively making a difference in the world makes you feel happier in life. It will motivate you to work harder and to keep working when you’re discouraged, and you’ll have a sense of purpose knowing that there are people out there whose lives you’ve helped to make better.
A Large Following
Of course, there are some more concrete ways of measuring how successful you are on YouTubers. Views, likes, and subscribers are some easy metrics you can point to when setting goals for yourself and your success.
Having a big following is a great marker of success on YouTube. How many YouTube subscribers do you have? How engaged are those subscribers? Do they watch most of the YouTube videos you make? Do they like and comment? Are your videos reaching people who aren’t your subscribers?
All of these are important questions you should ask yourself when you’re determining what success means to you as a streamer or vlogger.
Personal Finances
Success, when it comes to money, is going to vary from person to person. But one goal that a ton of up-and-coming YouTubers share is being able to quit their day job and do YouTube full-time. If you can get to a point where you can financially sustain yourself with your content alone, you’ll have achieved a great deal of success as a YouTuber.
But of course, there are go-getters who are going to want even more. These are the Mr. Beasts of the world, who are bringing in up to $50 million a year — and who knows? Maybe you could get there one day, too.
How To Be a Successful YouTuber
If you’re here, you want to grow your platform and put the haters to bed. Here are some tips on how you can grow your platform and find success as a YouTuber, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro.
1. Find Your Niche
If you’ve been looking into becoming a YouTuber at all, you’ve probably seen a ridiculous amount of blogs and content creators tell you to find your niche. It might get annoying, but the reason you see it everywhere is because it really is one of the most important things you can do when starting out.
Like any person trying to grow a small business, you need to establish and develop your brand. If you make a million different types of content, you’re not going to develop any loyal fans. Sure, they’ll like some of your content — but not all of it. Instead, it’s much better to develop a small base of loyal followers and then figure out how to make them multiply.
Finding your niche is the first step in doing that. Not only will this help attract people with similar interests as you, but it will help you be consistent with your video content creation.
If you make content related to something you’re passionate about, you’ll be able to keep making high-quality videos about it for years to come. Plus, your audience will see your passion and come back for more. When in doubt, choose a path that feels genuine for you, and your followers will naturally gravitate toward you.
2. Pick Your Target Audience
A niche is important, but you also need to get a bit more specific with who you’re making content for. For example, your niche might be that you stream Valorant tutorials, but your target audience might be 16 to 25-year-olds who play Valorant.
By picking a target audience like this, you’ll be able to create content that your target audience will love. Different audiences love different kinds of videos. Loyal fans are the types of fans that multiply, so making content that your core audience loves is incredibly important.
Of course, people outside your target audience will probably also like your content. But by picking your target audience, you can have a clear direction with your videos and create a stronger sense of attraction toward your content.
3. Create a Brand
We could probably write article after article on this topic alone. That’s how important high-quality branding is to your channel. A YouTube creator’s online image is everything, and your followers need to be able to identify your content at the drop of a hat. There are lots of ways to do that.
Create a video intro and outro, come up with a logo to place on your videos and streams, develop a signature video editing style, pick your video titles carefully, and have themes within your thumbnails so that your subscribers will always be able to spot your content among a sea of thumbnails in their YouTube home page.
If you become identifiable, people will have an easier time latching onto your brand. This will help you for years to come in your YouTube journey.
This includes locking down things like SEO (search engine optimization). YouTube is a search engine for videos, and there are ways you can optimize it for your content. When uploading videos, make sure to add tags to your video descriptions so that the YouTube algorithm can pick up on them more easily and get your channel name out there.
4. Post on a Consistent Schedule
Consistency is key to content creation. Whether you’re streaming, posting on YouTube Shorts, or making long-form videos for the Watch Page, posting new videos or going live on a schedule is one of the most important things you can do.
If you give your followers content on a scheduled, consistent basis, you can become a part of their routine, which can help to make loyal fans who consistently engage with you and your content. Ultimately, this can help drive up your engagement and revenue.
5. Use Other Platforms to Your Advantage
TikTok, Instagram, Discord, and Twitch. All of these are vital tools in your arsenal when it comes to growing your channel. You can even start your own podcast! Rep your new YouTube channel on other platforms, and watch the subscribers flock in.
You’ll reach different people organically through TikTok than you will from YouTube, so by diversifying your outreach, you can grow your audience as a whole. And it doesn’t have to be hard. You can recycle good content from your YouTube shorts and post that to TikTok and Instagram Reels. It’s a small amount of work for a large return.
This is where Powder can come into play. Whether you’re trying to clip the best moments from your last marathon stream or gaming session, or you’re trying to condense those moments into a shareable highlight reel, our AI-powered software does it all.
6. Diversify Your Income
Ad revenue through AdSense is incredibly important for having successful monetization on YouTube. But for most successful YouTube Partners, it’s only about half of their total revenue. If you want to hit your financial goals, you have to do well on ads.
On YouTube alone, there are other ways to make money. You can take advantage of Super Chat and Super Stickers, which are ways your followers can pay to comment and cheer on your videos and live streams. There are also YouTube Memberships, where your subs can pay a monthly fee to get exclusive content or an ad-free experience on your channel.
There’s also YouTube Shops, where users can click on a link on your page to buy your merch. And, of course, there are the all-important sponsorship deals. Affiliate marketing involves working with companies that will pay you big bucks to rep their brand on your gaming channel.
And finally, there are other social media platforms for you to make money on as well. You can also learn how to make money on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitch, so make sure you put some time and energy into those platforms, as well.
7. Use Your YouTube Analytics
YouTube has massive amounts of information about who watches your videos and how they watch them. You can see how long people watch your videos for, what types of videos they like better, and use all of that information as a tool to keep crushing it with your content.
Trends within your niche will always do well, especially in short-form videos. And certain types of videos will do better than others. Double down on the stuff that’s working and be willing to part ways with things that don’t work. Data is your best friend if you want to have a successful YouTube channel, so get to know it like the back of your hand.
Grow Your Channel
The YouTube community is a fantastic platform with lots of people ready to engage with your content. You just have to put in the hard work to find those viewers. But if you follow these tips and keep grinding, you can find the success you’re looking for.
For more information about growing your platform and for some helpful tools on how to make content easily so you can have a steady stream of awesome videos for YouTube, check out the Powder app. Our cutting-edge AI editing software uses anonymous emotion detection and dedicated AI models trained on your favorite games to capture all of your highlights, lowlights, and most memeable moments from your gaming and streaming sessions so that you can focus on what you love most: the game and your community.
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