How To Get Sponsored on Twitch: 6 Tips

Do you want to get your Twitch channel sponsored so you can make money as a streamer? Read here for six tips to help you lock those ad deals down.

How To Get Sponsored on Twitch: 6 Tips

There are loads of streamers across Twitch who are hoping to make gaming their career. Who doesn’t like the idea of playing video games to an audience of like-minded gamers for a living? It’s what almost everybody on the platform dreams of.

However, making a living on Twitch doesn’t happen by accident, and it’s not going to just fall into your lap after thousands of hours of streaming. It takes hard work and the right plan. Sponsorships are a major part of that equation.

We’re going to get into the weeds of sponsorships: what they are, how they can help you, and how you can get your hands on them. We’ll set you up to be able to formulate a plan to get deals that are perfect for your channel and brand.

What Are Sponsorships?

Before we begin, let’s learn more about sponsorships and the different types that would be available to you as a streamer.

As you probably know, sponsorships are a way that different brands or companies compensate creators to plug or advertise their products on the creator’s platforms. You’ve probably seen plenty of Twitch streams, YouTube channels, or Instagram accounts with sponsorship deals, plugging products and brands throughout their content.

Sponsorships can come in all shapes and sizes. Some are long-term deals that pay for ongoing placement in your content. Others are short-term or even one-offs that don’t last too long or require much of you.

Here’s a bit more about the different kinds of sponsorships that people are getting on Twitch.

One of the most common and beneficial sponsorships streamers get is affiliate links. Affiliate links are when a brand gives you a unique link to their website, typically with your name in the hyperlink. When your fans use your link to buy the product from the brand, you make a commission off the sale.

Sometimes people will get a discount using your link, which incentivizes people to use your link. Affiliate links are a mutually beneficial deal that tons of people have. If you work hard to get your fans to use the link, you can make some decent cash.

Banners and Logos

Other types of sponsorships don't require direct advertising and instead just prefer to have their brand logo and information displayed on your stream. The contracts on these deals can vary a lot, but for the most part, brands will ask you to display their logo clearly in the stream.

They may even create or ask you to create a banner that goes across the top or bottom of your stream. With a simple addition to the visuals of your stream, you can make a bit of extra money.


Sometimes, brands partner with you to do product giveaways on your stream. The brand will give you some of their products, and you’ll host some sort of giveaway through your stream or your socials.

This is likely to drive a bit of traffic to your channel (who doesn’t like free stuff?), which is great for you, but there also might be a bit of financial incentive involved.

Product Mentions or Ads

Finally, there are classic brand deals that will have you directly mention the product during your stream or even dedicate time during your streams to have an advertisement for the brands. These might require a little bit of scriptwriting on your part, but the payout is typically worth it. Sometimes the company will help you create the ads, which makes it easy on you.

What Should You Know Before Looking For Deals?

It’s tempting to just jump right into searching for sponsorships. However, before you go pitching to different brands, there are some things you need to do first.

Here are some tips to prepare you and your channel for locking down those sponsors:

1. Develop a Loyal Following

You don’t need a giant audience to get sponsors! Many people believe they can’t get sponsorship deals before they have a massive audience, but this isn’t the case.

Brands are often very happy to partner with small creators with a strong niche and a devoted fanbase. Loyal fans are more likely to follow your affiliate links and buy from brands you recommend.

Even if you have a smaller following on Twitch, do everything you can to keep them engaged. Interact with your viewers as much as possible. Stream the content your fans love so they keep returning for more. Identify a core demographic and market to them as much as you can.

2. Keep Your Quality High

If you’re trying to lock down a sponsor, you simply have to stream quality content. Asking for a brand to sponsor you is asking for that brand to associate itself with your brand, and many companies are picky about who they align themselves with.

To make yourself appealing to these brands, keep your stream quality as high as possible. Professionalism is the name of the game. Upgrade your lighting rig, increase the framerate or resolution of your camera, invest in a dual PC streaming setup to enhance your workflow, and make your streams better.

Another major investment is the visuals of your brand. Develop a logo, choose a color palette for your brand, find typography you like, and spread those visuals across your channel, socials, and other outlets. This goes a long way in making your streams look professional so that brands will be excited to associate with you.

3. Get Active on Your Socials

Brands love it when you spread your influence across a variety of platforms. That just means you have a wider audience that reaches more people. It proves that you take this thing seriously and that you care about engaging people wherever they are.

Not only will this help you look better to brands, but it will also help your channel. Lots of people who might like your content aren’t on Twitch. Meeting them where they’re at will help you get more fans and increase your audience.

How To Get Your Sponsors

Now that you’ve prepped your channel and you’re in a good place, you’re ready to start pitching to brands and striking deals with sponsors.

Here are some tips to help you along the way.

4. Pick the Right Brands

Not every company is a good fit for your channel. You want to partner with brands whose audience overlaps with yours. This way, your partnership will be more beneficial for both of you.

If you’re a gamer, reach out to brands that make equipment for gamers. If you’re a sports streamer, reach out to athletic wear companies. If you’re a musician, reach out to music gear brands. Partner with brands that both you and your audience like, and you’ll go far.

5. Create a Thorough Pitch

This is probably the most important tip that we’re going to talk about. Brands don’t just throw out sponsorships to whoever asks for them. You’ll need to prove to them that your channel is worth sponsoring, and you’ll need data to back that up.

Analyze your Twitch data on your Overview page. See how many people your channel is reaching. Find out what your typical viewer looks like, their age, gender, hobbies, etc. Keep track of the growth of your channel and share that with them.

It’s also important to do your research on any and all brands you pitch to. You want to know their products inside and out. You want to know who their target audience is, their messaging as a brand, their mission, and more. Knowing all that info will help you make the argument that your brands align.

If you think that your channel doesn’t have enough to offer the brand, you might still want to reach out and make the connection for the future. Ask to get on a brand’s PR list. This will keep you on their radar and keep you in the know about what that brand is up to.

6. Establish Terms

Once you’ve both decided that it’s a good fit, it’s time to enter the negotiation phase. The value they offer you needs to make sense with how large your channel is, so do your research on what streamers your size typically make from sponsorships.

The main thing to worry about is that your contract covers all the specifics you need to perform well in this partnership. Namely, you need to know how much you’ll be paid, when you’ll be paid, how often they want to be advertised, and what kind of advertisements they want. Making these terms clear will make everybody happy in the end.

Lock Down Sponsors and Grow as a Streamer

Many streamers out there are one or two sponsors away from being able to support themselves through their streaming. If you take these six tips and keep grinding, sooner or later you’ll be able to secure some sponsorship deals that could change your life as a streamer.

Take this information and run with it. With hard work, the right strategy, and a bit of luck, you might just be able to make your streaming dreams a reality.

For more information about streaming and tools that will make content creation easy for you, check out our blog and see what AI software can do for your channel.

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